A List Of 50 Persuasive Essay Topics For High School

The persuasive essay can be a lot of fun because you get to defend your stance on a topic. It is important to locate credible and academic support for your persuasive essay. Consider using one of the following fifty essay topics for your next persuasive essay.

50 Topics

  1. The greatest artist ever
  2. The genius of Leonardo da Vinci
  3. Pop Art and its Impact
  4. Can a soup can be considered art
  5. The genius of Robert E. Lee
  6. The destruction of Ulysses S. Grant and his addictions
  7. ISIS
  8. Where did the Malaysian airlines plane really go
  9. Should the monarchy still exist
  10. Bull fighting-honor or crime
  11. Policing the police
  12. Al Sharpton-leader or criminal
  13. Math-does it matter
  14. The Stanford experiment-how did it happen and why
  15. What happened to Amelia Earhart
  16. Why we should all go gluten free
  17. Paleo diets and dying
  18. Animal testing-why does it still exist
  19. Should college athletes be paid
  20. Why cutting the arts’ program is wrong
  21. Should students be required to complete community service for graduation
  22. Animals and their help with the injured and the elderly
  23. Media and celebrity intrusion-who draws the lines
  24. Majors in high school-good idea or not
  25. Lowering the drinking age-bad news and a bad idea
  26. Should marijuana be made legal for all purposes
  27. The benefits of medical marijuana
  28. Should the United States have normal relationships with the country of Cuba
  29. Ending the Afghanistan War
  30. Benghazi and why Hillary Clinton should never be president
  31. Are droopy pants unconstitutional or just a fashion statement
  32. Is there such a thing as too much money
  33. Why treating your pets badly should be punishable by law
  34. Why telemarketing should be illegal
  35. Are we innately a racist society
  36. Why yearly driving tests should be required
  37. Why the internet should be free or charge to everyone
  38. No strikes for bullies and why
  39. Should all schools require students to wear school uniforms
  40. Required carpooling
  41. Free textbooks should be given at the college level
  42. Why boxing should be eliminated as a competitive sport
  43. School shootings and how to keep our students and children safe
  44. Starting school later is a necessity for teenagers
  45. Why beauty contests should not exist
  46. Why the United States needs a required military draft
  47. Should we pay kids for good school grades
  48. Why cheerleaders in skimpy uniforms are not acceptable for high schools
  49. Eliminating the SAT and why it matters
  50. Why teachers should be paid more than professional athletes


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