Enslaved Africans Of Early Colonies

During the colonial period, colonies were treated as property of their colonial masters. Tis meant that their masters had the power to do anything with the people, land and resources in their colonies. This went to an extent that they would take people to work for them. They settled on the land of the Africans and developed estates making the Africans their slaves. Britain, which is one of the colonies, has been involved with slave trade for the last two thousand years. Later on, the colonial powers started taking slaves to their countries. Depending on their masters, slaves would work for a specific number of days in a year. This was without any pay. They also did not have some rights and privileges. For example, a slave could not marry unless with the consent of their master. Slaves had very limited legal rights. Many masters, however, did not physically mistreat their slaves as it was hard to get a replacement for a slave.

Slave trade along the Coastal Land

When the Arabs gained access to the Coastal land of Africa, they could capture men and women and carry them away. They used to bribe some of the African kings along the coast so as to be allowed to take slaves with them. Some Africans rebelled and fought back when being kidnapped. It was, however, hard for them to win as they did not have guns. Those who were captured were traded for food supplies for the traders while on the journey. Slaves acquired from trade were seen as non-human objects. They were used in the industries and the army. They did not have any privilege of climbing the ranks ladder in the military. Women were used as domestic servants. Some masters also took beautiful women slaves and made them concubines. Children that were born from such relationships were not treated as slaves. Due to the slave trade, some cities and ports in Britain emerged and developed very fast. Such cities include Liverpool and Bristol.

Abolition of slave trade

The Roman Catholics did not treat slaves as other people. They believed that slaves were human beings and deserved better treatment. In the 1970s, most Christians were against the slave trade. They proposed and championed anti-slavery associations. This marked the beginning of the abolitionist struggle. Many people were made to believe that slave traders and masters would not go to heaven. This fear led to a massive struggle that was on for more than twenty years.


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