Internet Identity Theft


More and more people are becoming victims of internet identity theft. Most people know of someone or has been a victim of internet theft over recent years due to the way the internet has taken over the way we live and the way we shop. However internet identity theft is a crime that is preventable by taking simple steps to protect yourself and your personal details.


Emails are used by most people every day but there are some companies who will set up false emails that are designed to catch out the unwary. Emails of this kind contain ways to take your personal details such as credit card details in order to scam money out of the unwary. Emails of this kind include eye-catching offers and headlines such as:

If any email asks you for details such as credit card details, personal details or passwords, there is a need to be cautious. If you are in doubt you can report the email to Action Fraud who will look into it and work to prevent anyone else being scammed in this way.

If you receive any such email it is important not to click on any links inside the email or to reply in any way. It is also important to remember not to open any attachments for this could be a way to infect your computer with a virus.


Always use only shops that you can trust. If there is any doubt then be sure only to use shops that accept payment by PayPal. When using PayPal all payments are protected by fraud and you can get your money back.

Any shopping site that does not accept PayPal payments are a risky site that could take your money and your identity. Shops that take your credit or debit cards can take your details to set up their own identity or to take money from your account.


When using the internet, always be careful not to give out personal details such as address, credit/debit card details. In addition to this never give out your passwords as reputable websites will never ask you for your password. In addition to this use different passwords as much as possible. If you suspect internet identity theft then take action and report it.


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