A List Of Argumentative Essay Topics Suggested By A+ Students

Writing an argumentative essay and need help coming up with a good topic? There are so many ideas for a good paper you can get overwhelmed just trying to choose one. The good news is you can choose something based on personal interests. Students receiving great scores in class know how important it is to choose the right topic. There are different avenues to consider when you want more inspiration. You can learn more online when you use this company.

How A+ Students Choose Ideas

Choosing a good idea for an argument essay may not be easy but there are hints to consider that can help you find the best idea. What are issues or concerns you feel strong about? What about stories trending in the media? Students with a unique interest to learn about something new may have ideas that are out of the box, which helps make writing the assignment just as interesting. As you come up with ideas through brainstorming or by conducting independent research, make a list of things that stand out and what you think you can write about. Don’t forget to consider project guidelines before settling on a topic.

10 Argumentative Ideas to Help You Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a common technique used to draft raw ideas. You can get inspired to brainstorm when you see or read about something broad in nature. For example, when you think about the action of abortion what things come to mind? You can write down ideas and then omit what lacks interest. To help you get an idea of what you can write about here are 10 potential ideas or writing prompts for argument essay topics.

  1. Should teachers be armed with a gun in class?

  2. What is the best way to get countries to work together?

  3. What is an effect method to stop bullying?

  4. Should parents get in trouble when their child uses a gun?

  5. How to encourage more people to plan ahead for natural disasters?

  6. What is the best invention created by modern technology?

  7. Why are people having problems voting?

  8. Should the media ban certain types of reporting?

  9. Is it ever okay for someone to take someone else’s life?

  10. Should a person be allowed to change their sexual orientation?


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